A crown. A prophecy. A murder.

William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy tells the story of Macbeth, a warrior-chief who meets three strange sisters on his way home from battle who tell him of a prophecy that could lead to unimaginable power. Aware of his duty but unable to ignore his vaulting ambition, he and his brilliant wife plot a murder. What follows may tear his fragile kingdom, and perhaps the world itself, apart.

Set in an apocalyptic waste beset by violence, greed, political corruption, and environmental crisis—a place and time that could as easily be the Scotland of yesterday as the Canada of today, or any number of frighteningly possible tomorrows—the Electric City Players present William Shakespeare’s Macbeth in a way that seeks to highlight how this 400 year-old tragedy remains disturbingly familiar and relevant to our own world and moment.

Coming to Market Hall to see the show? Want to know what to expect? Check out our detailed ACCESS GUIDE.

Cast Members

  • JOHN AUSTIN (Ross/Porter)

    After an 11-year hiatus, John (he/him) made a crowd-pleasing return to the stage as Elwood P. Dowd in Lindsay Little Theatre’s 2019 production of Harvey by Mary Chase. He returned to LLT in the summer of 2023 playing Phillip Lombard in Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. This is his first Peterborough-based production in almost 20 years.

  • SIMON T.J.H BANDEROB (Macbeth)

    Simon (he/they) is a performer and writer from Peterborough/Nogojiwanong. After studying theatre at Concordia University, they performed with the Bread and Puppet Theatre Company, including a 2022 cross-country tour of the USA. Locally, he has performed with ASTC in Seven Stories (Michael) and Cabaret, and with the Peterborough Theatre Guild in Girls in the Gang (Willie), Hope is a Bird (Julius Dale), and Fiddler on the Roof (Fyedka). Simon has been hoping to reprise the role of Macbeth ever since he played the Scottish king in Grade 7. He is thrilled and thankful to everyone who has trusted and supported in him in taking on this challenge.

  • ROBERT BARROW (Siward/Murderer)

    Having grown up in the theatre, Robert (he/him) is making his return to the stage after a long absence. During his time away from the footlights, he has devoted his creative energies to film and screenwriting as well as multiple novels, short stories, and poetry projects. Outside the theatre, Bob can be found plying his trade as a social service, mental health, and addictions worker.

  • CAILLEACH BEATON (Weïrd Sister)

    Cailleach (she/her) is 13 years old, and has been doing community theatre since she was 6. She is so grateful to be a part of this production and thinks the cast is wonderful, and full of vibrant, awesome people. This show is unlike any show she has ever been in before, and it has been an amazing journey with everyone making the absolute best out of this production. She wants to thank you for watching and hopes you enjoy the show!

  • NAOMI DUVALL (Lady Macbeth)

    A graduate of a three-year professional theatre acting program, Naomi (she/her) values collective creation and collaboration, and thrives in ensemble work. She hopes to convey the depth and intensity of Lady Macbeth as truthfully as possible, and is elated to be challenged by this role.

  • LELA FOX-DORAN (Seyton/Murderer)

    Lela (they/them) has been doing theatre from a young age but took a break over the pandemic and their first several years at Trent University only getting back into it last June as Felicity Cunningham in The Real Inspector Hound at TTOK. Since then, they have graduated from Trent, started at Fleming College, played the Cousin/Cheshire Cat/Knave of Hearts in a ASTC's production of Alice and participated in TTOK’s cold read events. This is Lela’s first Shakespeare production and they're very excited to share it with such an incredibly talented and lovely cast and crew.

  • DAVID GEENE (Duncan/Doctor)

    David (he/him) had his first experience with theatre in high school as Lennox in the banquet scene of Macbeth! Since 2002 he has been involved in many productions as an actor, singer, set designer and builder, music director, stage manager and producer. Since moving to Peterborough six years ago, David has been very involved with the Peterborough Theatre Guild in productions like Real Estate, 33 Variations, The Crucible, Rumors and Paradiso Inn. He wants to thank the cast and crew of Macbeth for their inspiration and dedication, and his wife for her support and love.

  • CARISSA KAYE (Banquo)

    Carissa (she/her) found her love of theatre at the age of 10 and her love of Shakespeare not long after. She studied the performance arts in Hamilton and Toronto until she fell in love with a Peterborean and started a new life here on Halloween of last year—it seems fitting that her debut local performance is in a spooky play. Her previous Shakespeare experience includes directing Romeo and Juliet and performing multiple iterations of A Midsummer’s Night Dream as Lysander and Titania. She looks forward to many more productions.

  • ALICE LOEB (Weïrd Sister)

    Alice (she/her) is a student at Monseigneur Jamot. She is in 6th grade and loves theatre. She previously appeared in The Little Prince and Anne of Green Gables. This is her first experience with Shakespeare and she is very excited to be working with all these amazing people.

  • CAOIMHE MACQUARRIE (Servant/Messenger)

    Caoimhe (she/her) has acted in roles at 4th Line Theatre, the Peterborough Theatre Guild, Arbor Theatre, Mummer Dragon Productions and Funfolk Theatricals. This is her first experience with Shakespeare.

  • DEIRBHILE MACQUARRIE (Bloody Child Spirit)

    Deirbhile (she/her) is seven years old and has been on stage since she was one year old. She is excited to be involved in this project.

  • RIORDAN MACQUARRIE (Macduff Child)

    Riordan (he/him) has been involved in many shows at 4th Line theatre and the Peterborough Theatre Guild. He is excited to be involved in the first production of the Electric City Players.


    Saoirse (she/her) has been involved with many theatre companies since the age of four, including Fun Folk Theatrics, 4th Line Theatre, and the Peterborough Theatre Guild. Saoirse enjoys theatre and hopes to continue doing it in the future.

  • SIOBHÁN MACQUARRIE (Gentlewoman/Attendant)

    Siobhán (she/her) is excited to be playing on stage with most of her kids again. It’s been many years since she’s read any Shakespeare and the Electric City Players have been a fun group to help reacquaint her with Shakespeare’s style.


    Seamus (he/him) has been involved in theatre since high school, and has been active both on stage and behind the scenes for the last 25 years—from actor and director, to producer and stage manager! He was nominated for Best Actor in the Eastern Ontario Drama League Festival for his role in Kiss the Moon, Kiss the Sun, and won Best Use of Speech. Seamus founded For A Cause Theatre (FACT), to support local organizations through theatre. He loves the comradery and the creative process of theatre, and the opportunity it provides to explore characters and situations you don’t often encounter in everyday life. Outside the theatre, Seamus is a Registered Massage Therapist.

  • JUSTIN MUIR (Malcolm)

    Justin (he him) recently graduated from Trent University. He spends his time writing novels and lip syncing to Broadway musicals. This is his first theatre performance, and he is so excited to be here with this cast.

  • DARRAGH O'CONNELL (Fleance, Macduff Child, Crowned Child Spirit)

    Darragh (he/him) is thrilled to a part of Macbeth with The Electric City Players. He has appeared in a number of productions in Peterborough over the last three years, but this is Darragh’s first Shakespearean show. He would like to thank the whole cast for being so supportive, generous, and kind, and really hopes that you enjoy the show.

  • MAEVE O'NEILL (Weïrd Sister)

    Maeve (she/her) is endlessly grateful to be working alongside friends new and old who never fail to amaze her with their talent, determination, and good humour. She was lucky enough to have been cast in the Peterborough Theatre Guild’s last two Christmas productions, but this is her first chance to explore her wild side. She is so grateful to the whole Macbeth team for bringing this classic tale to life and giving her a head start on high school Shakespeare.

  • WILL PEARSON (Lennox)

    Will (he/him) played Romeo in a Grade 9 twenty years ago and hasn’t acted since, so being a part of this production has been a thrill! He appreciates all the hard work by so many that made this Macbeth production possible. In other realms of life, Will is the publisher and editor of Peterborough Currents, an independent local news outlet. He encourages you to sign up for the Currents newsletter!

  • TANYA PERRAS (Donalbain/Murderer)

    Tanya (she/her) is an undergraduate at Trent University where she is majoring in English and therefore spends way too much time reading and writing. This is her first theatre performance and says that working with the cast has been an incredible experience.

  • EDDY SWEENEY (Macduff)

    Eddy (he/him) has been an active player in the Peterborough community theatre scene for almost ten years. He is thrilled to be a part of Macbeth because, like many of his castmates, it is his first Shakespearean performance. Eddy attended Trent for English Literature and took each Shakespeare course that was offered, so he is excited to finally put his passion into action. Most recently, Eddy played Perchile in the Peterborough Theatre Guild’s production of Fiddler on the Roof and in recent years he has been on stage with all of the major theatre companies in town. He feels honoured to add The Electric City Players to that list.

  • BAZ VON BIEBERSTEIN (Young Siward, Macduff Child)

    Baz (they/them) is an eleven-year-old actor, writer, and artist, and is very excited to have been cast in their second full-length show. While Baz has a wide range of interests, they are particularly passionate about acting and hope to pursue it throughout their life

  • LAUREN YANDT (Lady Macduff)

    Lauren (she/her) is so grateful to be back in a theatre production after two very long, busy university degrees. It is an extra special pleasure to be a part of a Shakespeare production with Electric City Players’ first project! Lauren would like to thank everyone for such a wonderful experience. All hail the Thane of Fife!

Crew Members

  • ARDEN ROBERTSON-PAYNE (Assistant Stage Manager)

    Arden (she/her) is local to the Peterborough area and has been involved with theatre for the past ten years. As a student at Trent University, she has been involved with the Anne Shirley Theatre Company and most recently played Sir Toby Belch in a production of a scene from Twelfth Night at the ASTC’s Shakespeare Cabaret. Arden has also performed in a few productions at the Peterborough Theatre Guild, including a role in the 2022 production of Our Place. This is Arden’s first time working backstage and she can’t wait for audiences to enjoy the cast crew’s hard work!

  • JACK VAN ROOSMALEN (Stage Manager)

    Adding to his theatre experience as an actor, originally in the GTA, and for the past three years in Peterborough, this is Jack's (he/him) first foray into stage management. He thanks Andrew and Jacqueline at Electric City Players for the opportunity, and Tracy Magee-Graham for the coaching and encouragement. He is thrilled to be part of this classic Shakespeare play and to work with a talented cast and crew to bring this creative vision of Macbeth to the stage.

Practicum Student Assistants

  • AIMEE ANCTIL (Concept Art, Accessibility, Fight Choreography)

    Aimee (she/her) has supported the production of Macbeth through the creation of an access guide, the creation of concept art, and contributions to the choreography of the fight sequences. She is proficient in karate, hand-to-hand combat, and various weapons from her training as a black belt. She also has experience as an actor and stage manager for various productions. She has been deeply involved with Trent’s Political Studies department as a research assistant and is engaged in the local arts community as a graphic designer (@duckboydesigns).

  • KASSIDY FRANCESCHINI (Educational Outreach)

    Kassidy (he/they) is a second-year student at Trent University who is looking to become a drama teacher and has had a passion for theatre since they were in Grade 4. Kassidy loves community theatre and finds it intrinsic to making any city feel alive and engaging. Thus, he is thrilled to be working with The Electric City Players, getting local schools involved and learning more about the behind-the-scenes aspects of theatre. They love Macbeth as well as Shakespeare’s other works, and derive a lot of joy from seeing ECP’s vision of it come to life.

  • MEGHAN MACNEILL (Costume/Production Design/Educational Display)

    Meghan (she/her) is a third-year English student at Trent with a love for theatre. For Macbeth, Meghan assisted with costume and stage design concepts and produced one of the educational dispalys in the lobby. She has been involved in hometown productions both on and off stage and has enjoyed the new experience of working on this project. She hopes you enjoy the show!

  • EMMA MCDONALD (Production Design/Educational Display)

    Emma (she/her), a third-year student at Trent University, is pursuing an English degree with a specialization in literary history and is a big Shakespeare fan. She assists with production and set design, and produced one of the educational displays in the lobby. But overall, she is just happy to watch and learn a bit more about the intricacies of Shakespearean theatre!

  • THOMAS PAYNE (Digital Media Management)

    With nearly a decade of theatre experience, second year Trent University student Thomas Payne (he/him) is excited to take on Shakespearean theatre through Macbeth. He has previously performed in community theatre productions in Whitby, Bowmanville and most recently with Improv at Trent. Beyond acting, Thomas has diverse backstage experience including digital media management, front of house and as a stagehand. For Macbeth he collaborates closely with directors and crew, capturing and promoting the cast’s efforts while also assisting with the production.

  • MIKAYLA STOODLEY (Prop Design and Management)

    Mikayla (she/her) is so grateful to have been part of the beautiful Macbeth team. She has acted in a number of shows, some of which include Damn Yankees, Mamma Mia, Chicago, and Lord of the Flies. She recently spent her summer volunteering and acting with Fourth Line Theatre and will be returning this summer to take part in the 2024 summer season's production of Jim Watts, Girl Reporter. For this production, Mikayla assisted with managing the many stage props involved in the production and contributed educational content to the Electric City Players website.

Additional Support


    Chelsea Day


    Gabe Robinson


    Lela Fox-Doran


    Lauren Yandt


    Patricia Thorne


    No Orchestra


    Andrew Loeb


    Deirbhile MacQuarrie
    Darragh O’Connell
    Andrew Loeb


    Robert Barrow
    Arden Robertson-Payne
    Darragh O’Connell
    Baz von Biebersein
    Meghan MacNeill
    Thomas Payne
    Kassidy Fraceschini
    Sophia Hanley
    Amelia Graves
    Isabelle Michaelson
    Mads Leduc
    Poppy Bobrowicz


    Eddy Sweeney


    Aimee Anctil
    Joseph Roper